Instructors / Industrial Institution Interactions Cell Committee(IIC)

Industrial Institution Interactions Cell Committee(IIIC)

Better interaction between Institutions and Industry is the need of an hour. For students it is important because they get exposure to industry and subsequent placement in various disciplines. On the other hand, with the advent of globalization and opening up of Indian economy to outside world, competition among the industries has become stiff. So industries also need good students who are well aware of industry standards and capable of achieving so. Therefore, there is an urgent need of interaction of industry and academics where academic institutes can prepare students for jobs in multinational companies and industry will also be benefited by possibility of receiving well-trained workforce. For this to become reality bridging the gap between industry and the academic institute is a must and for this, an Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC) has to be established.

The Industry Institute Interaction would be possible when a relationship is developed between the two systems. The ultimate aim of this relationship will be the creation of confidence in industry by the institute which would result industries involving voluntarily the institute at various stages of its development.The development of such relationship requires, firstly, careful understanding of the industry needs such as relevant R&D, cost effectiveness, time bound programs, technology up gradation etc. by the Institute and, in turn, understanding the capabilities and imitations of the institute by the Industry.

Committee Members:-

  1. Dr. N. J. Uke (Chairman)
  2. Mr. D. A. Jakkan (Coorinator:E&TC)
  3. Mr. R. B. Lagdive (Member:Computer)
  4. Mr. K. H. Ghorpade (Member:Civil)
  5. Dr. N. R. Kadam (Member:Mechanical)
  6. Mr. S. B. Kakade (Member:MCA)
III Committee