Requirements Before Submission

Files required to upload:

First, Author should download the following files and make them ready for submission through Online:

  • Covering letter
  • Manuscript file (Prepare your Manuscript as per Author Instructions)
  • Supplimentary Material (Figures and Tables or any supporing documents) (Prepare your Manuscript as per Author Instructions)
  • If your Manuscript is in acceptance status, Author should submit Copyright form along with Pay-In-Slip to

Check list for Submission:

  • Have you provided a Title Page?
  • Have you provided an Author Information section at the end of the paper?
  • Have you provided an Abstract of not more than 250 words?
  • Have you provide keywords of not more than 3 to 4?
  • Are your Tables denoted by Arabic numerals, and are they in order as cited in the text?
  • Are your Tables submitting at the end of the text file?