Model Cover Letters

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During submission of the article, a cover letter should be included having

  • Authors full address, email ID and telephone/mobile/fax number.
  • The type of article (Research, Review or short communication) along with the title and the field of the pharmaceutical research under which the article to be published should be mentioned.
  • The corresponding author should mention the undertaking that if any animal studies/ clinical studies carried was in accordance with their country or institutional ethical committee and also state that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis).

Research Article

These articles should clearly describe new and carefully confirmed results and experimental procedure which should be given in required details for others to verify the work. The article can be up to 3000 words excluding abstract and references. For proper referring and fast publication process all manuscript should be grammatically correct. Additional fee may be charged by the editor for correction if the manuscript has extensive grammatical mistakes which would be intimated to the corresponding author before final acceptance.

The manuscript should be prepared in English using “MS Word” with 2cm margin on all sides (Top, Bottom, Left and Right side) of the page. “Times New Roman” font should be used. The font size should be of 12pt but main subheadings may be of 14pt. All plant and microorganism's scientific names should be written in italic. All research article should be typed double spaced and should have the following sections: Title page, Abstract, Key words (3 – 5), Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References

Title Page

The title should appear on a separate page which should then followed by the author name and the institution name and address by indicating suitable superscripts. Title page should contain title of the paper in bold, title case (font size 14), names of the authors in normal, title case (font size 12) followed by the address(es) in normal lower case. An asterisk (*) must be placed after the corresponding authors name as superscript whose email ID, fax, telephone number can be given at the bottom left corner of the title. Corresponding author has the responsibility to ensure that all co-authors are aware and approve the contents of the submitted manuscript.


This section should start on a new page and should detail the problems, experimental approach, major findings and conclusion in one paragraph and should appear on the second page. Avoid abbreviation, diagram and references in the abstract. It should be single – spaced and should not exceed 250 words for full papers.


Author(s) must give about 3-5 key words which can identify the most important subjects covered by the paper. They must be placed at the end of the abstract.


The manuscript should include a brief introduction stating the purpose of the investigation and relating the manuscript to similar previous research with appropriate citations. Only information essential to the arguments should be presented.

Materials and Methods

This section must contain specific details about the materials studied, instruments used, specialized chemicals source, related experimental details and statistical analysis details which allows other research worker to reproduce the results. Obtain permission for all fully borrowed, adapted, and modified tables and provide a credit line in the footnote.

Results and Discussions

The results should be concisely presented. Results and discussion may be separate or combined based on the authors’ requirement. Tables and figures should be designed to maximize the comprehension of the experimental data. The interpreted results should be explained clearly in discussions and should relate them to the existing knowledge in the field as clearly as possible. Tables, Graphs and Figures (Illustrations) should be inserted in to the main text at respective place they should appear when published and should have appropriate numbers and titles with an explanatory heading. The table, graph and figures heading may have smaller font titles but should not be less than 10 pt in size. Labels of the table, graph and figures MUST be in the text form and should not form part of the image. Colour photographs and illustrations (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc) must be clean originals or digital files would be charged that may be intimated along with the acceptance letter. Those photographs must be clear and sharp. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow the following guidelines

  • 300dpi or higher sized to fit journal page
  • JPEG, GIF, TIFF and PDF formats are preferred
  • Acknowledgement (if any)

This section can be kept at the end of the manuscript before reference section and should not be more than 50 words. This section can be used to acknowledge the help of those who do not qualify for authorship or to acknowledge funding, donated resources or significant contribution to the research.


References to the literature cited for the manuscript should be numbered in order of appearance in the manuscript and cited in the text within square closed bracket [x] numbers. The reference number should follow the following format.

For journal reference

M Getie, J Wohlrab, and R R H Neubert. Dermal deliveryz of desmopressin acetate using colloidal carrier systems, J. Pharm. Pharmacol 57 (2): 423-427 (2005).

For Book reference

SA Edwards. The Nanotech Pioneers, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006, pp. 1-14.

For Chapters in book reference

PS Meltzer, A Kallioniemi, and J M. Trent. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: B. Vogelstein, and K. W. Kinzler (eds.), The Genetic Basis of Human Cancer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002, pp. 93-113.

For Patent reference

H Aviv, D Friedman, A Bar-Ilan and M Vered. Submicron emulsions as ocular drug delivery vehicles, U.S. Ptent US 5496811, 1996. Please see “Model manuscript” of this Journal webpage to get an idea.

Review Article

Organisation of the review article is at the author’s discretion and must be at a length of 3000 words excluding references and abstract. Abstract and key words are required. Tables, figures, illustrations and references are to be arranged according to research papers.


Submission of the manuscript represent that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not considered for publication elsewhere. Authors would be required to sign a CTA form (Copy Right Transfer Agreement) once the manuscript is accepted which would be sent to the corresponding author’s email. The corresponding author can download the form and after getting authors and co-authors signature it can be send as an attachment file after scanning to the journal or by post/courier along with the publication charges.

Ethical Matters

Authors involving in the usage of experimental animals and human subjects in their research article should seek approval from the appropriate Ethical committee in accordance with “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care”. The Method section of the manuscript should include a statement to prove that the investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained.

Manuscript Charges

There is no charge for the processing of paper but author(s) of each accepted paper is required to pay the publication charge which is very nominal fees. We charge Rs. 3500 for Indian Authors and USD 150 for International Authors.

Gallery Proofs

Galley proofs would be sent unless indicated otherwise to the corresponding author. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proof are to be returned without delay with correction (if any). The authors are responsible for the contents appeared in their published manuscripts.

High profiled experts in their respective field of research are invited for advisory editorial members/referees/reviewers. They can send their biodata with their field of interest to the following

The Advisory editorial members/referees/reviewers are honorary position where their contributions to the journal would be acknowledged in each issue.